NMC Standard for the Hereford
Section: Marked
Eye colour to be as in standard variety. The body colour shall be that of any standardised colour. The face shall be white, extending to a V shape which terminates just beyond the line of the ears, the white going under the chin and clean cut, but not extending down the throat. The ears and tail shall be of the standardised colour with the latter half of the tail being white. The belly shall have a uniform white marking, starting between the front legs and ending at the vent with the white not to extend up the sides of the body of down the legs. The feet shall be white. Any other markings on the top to be considered a fault. The white areas shall be pure and devoid of any colour or staining. This is more inline with the breed of cattle and less like the self coloured mouse with a white face and feet. The belly mark is generally thought to be best as a rectangle shaped bar or line starting between the front legs and ending at the vent.
Certificate: 2007, Eric Jukes