Another well supported show in Harlow with Lewis taking a second consecutive BIS, well done, reward for good husbandry and miles put in supporting shows. The weather has picked up and it’s a perfect time to have a good sort out of stock.
Between the manual work of animal care and attending shows I am reading old copies of Fur & Feather gifted to me by Phil Hall. These date back to the 1950’s. I am enjoying the nostalgia and am reminded that it is the physical management of the animals and time spent with like minded people that attracted me to the breeding and showing of fancy mice. This has prompted a decision to spend less time on related social media and more time with mouse friends at and between shows and to return to phone calls. It would be excellent if we still had a presence in the Fur & Feather publication which must surely only attract would be fanciers, unlike social media which attracts amongst the good, the bad and the toxic.
Hoping that the upcoming summer shows will be well attended. Good luck everyone.


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