
Judge: R CHappell Selfs, Tans GENERAL COMMENTS It was a pleasure to judge at Sowood again with a good entry to sort through. There were some nice Selfs, good type, fit and a good size, but there were several mice in the adult class which would not have been out of...


Judge: J Mullan  Selfs, AOVs GENERAL COMMENTS What a great day, pure enjoyment having the pleasure of spending quality time looking at other fanciers’ pride and joy, I had 100 mice in my section. I did not fined one that I did not like or had any major faults but a...


Judge: A Storey  Tans, Satins, AOVs GENERAL COMMENTS I was very pleased to be asked to judge this show, it’s only about 40 minutes away so that makes a nice change. There were some nice mice on show and some varieties that I rarely see. Specially of note was an...


Judge: Simon Grimwood Selfs, Tans, Satins, Marked, AOVsGeneral CommentsThank you to Stephan for giving me the opportunity to take on my first judging engagement, it was a real baptism of fire! Nothing like being thrown in at the deep end, a long and challenging day...