From the Archives

I spoke to David Montgomery recently—he can’t get to shows now, so it was lovely to catch up with him. He misses his mice! David was a regular contributor to NMC News, particularly with items from the archives. Here is one he provided 20 years ago, in July 2004. Ed A...

Tan Varieties and Their Problems

(Original article by R Hutchings) The Tan varieties have a remarkable capacity for improving their strength of tanning in successive generations, even without selection. This has often been commented upon by fanciers who have observed the effects of outcrossing, but...

Problems of our own making: Part 1

There is no doubt the mouse fancy now is very different from the way it was when I joined in 1982. I’ve been giving some thought recently to the issues we seem to have at the moment, chiefly the matters of 1) ailments and 2) breeding show varieties, which will be the...


Judge: Simon Grimwood Selfs, Tans, Satins, Marked, AOVsGeneral CommentsThank you to Stephan for giving me the opportunity to take on my first judging engagement, it was a real baptism of fire! Nothing like being thrown in at the deep end, a long and challenging day...

The Puzzling Pearl

First published in Mouse Fancy Review, April 1984. The Puzzling Pearl The Pearl is a lovely, delicate colour, but I have found it a most reluctant breeder, and while the bucks seem normally fertile the does are frequently barren, or have litters that often fail to...