1st S Goss D Very nice mouse, best under, slightly frayed ear
2nd S Goss D Good size, type colour, damaged ear
3rd S Goss D Super size and type, bit of a line under. Good class, pity about ear nicks
PE WHITE u/8 – 6
1st S Goss D Easy win, good mouse all round
2nd G Kelly B Bit short faced, behind on type, good colour, excellent under
3rd S Goss D Nice mouse, good type, ear and eye, line undeer
CREAM Ad – 3
1st I Mitchell B Good mouse all round and in show condition 2nd S Grimwood B Nearly a good exhibit, spoilt by orange carrot stains
3rd S Grimwood D Good mouse but had a litter. More carrot staining
CREAM u/8 – 1
1st N Smith B Good colour and condition but not the required size of an exhibition quality Cream
BLACK Ad – 6
1st S Mӧnninghoff B Good size and type for variety, best under
2nd S Mӧnninghoff D Better head than buck, light under with a line
3rd S Mӧnninghoff D Slight tan around vent, short whiskers, otherwise good
BLACK u/8 – 6
1st S Mӧnninghoff B Best colour and pigment of class
2nd S Mӧnninghoff B Young, very nice mouse, not quite the depth of colour yet
3rd S Mӧnninghoff D Good mouse if a bit long and stringy
1st R Hollis B Good size, type and eye for variety, colour in the middle of 2 and 3
2ndR Hollis B Most fiery colour, which I liked, 1st had more flawless finish
3rd R Hollis D Lovely size, type and condition for variety, lightest of the 3.
Good class
CHAM/FAWN u/8 – 0
BLUE Ad – 2
1st N Smith D Quite nice, could have deeper pigment, some light vent hairs
2nd N Smith D Similar to 1st but far too small for age and variety
BLUE u/8 – 0
RED Ad – 10
1st Autumn Leaf B Best depth of colour all round, bit behind on minor points (ears)
2nd Autumn Leaf D Lovely mouse, a little light in colour
3rd Autumn Leaf D Great type for a Red, moult spoilt an otherwise good exhibit. Good class
RED u/8 – 0
1st L Russell Ch D Good condition, ear, eye and pink tinge, could do with more size but young
2nd L Russell Ch B Good mouse for size, type and condition, lacks pink hue
3rd L Russell Ch B Decent all round, bit light for me
AOC SELF u/8 – 2
1st L Russell Ch B Lovely mouse, good colour, belly fur a bit rough
2nd L Russell Ch D Same comments as 1st, preferred colour of buck