It was good to see exhibiting is now up and running, well done to Stuart and team. Congratulations to Phil Hall on his BIS, he has some cracking Black Tans. It was good to see the awards evenly spread. I notice Steve Maynard won Best Marked with a Dutch, back with the success that he had many years ago.
Looking through the section winners, most exhibitors seem to have the same varieties they had before the lockdown, credit must be given as it was quite difficult to get an outcross with the restrictions. I need an outcross with some of mine.
I received my newsletter from Eric this week, the Zoom meetings seem quite popular. Hopefully shows will start a gain for the London club as well.
I was very impressed with the Specials given for the Anniversary Show—well done if you win one!
On a different note, I didn’t realise until recently, the NMC News is printed at Idle, as was the Fur & Feather.


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