
Agouti Agouti NMC Standard For The Agouti Section: AOVs Eye Black. The Agouti shall be a rich brown or golden hue with even dark or black ticking all through. Undercolour black. The belly shall be a golden brown, ticked as on top and the feet shall match the body in...


Cinnamon Agouti NMC Standard For The Cinnamon   Section: AOVs   Eye Black. The Cinnamon shall be a rich golden tan, lustrous in colour and level throughout top and belly, with rich brown ticking clearly defined. Undercolour slate grey. No black...

Silver Agouti

Silver Agouti Agouti Agouti Agouti Agouti Agouti Agouti NMC Standard For The Silver Agouti Section: AOVs Eye Black. This variety is like the normal or Golden Agouti except the golden brown pigment is replaced by silvery grey. Colour to be bright silvery grey evenly...


← Marten Sable Silver Agouti → Sable Sable Sable NMC Standard For The Sable Section: AOVs Sable Eye black. The top colour shall be a rich dark brown, as dark as possible, from nose to tail root; the belly colour to be as rich a golden tan as possible and the...

Marten Sable

Marten Sable Marten Sable NMC Standard For The Marten Sable Section: AOVs Eye black. Top colour shall be a rich dark sepia from nose to tail, shading off to a paler colour on lower jaws, sides and flanks, blending to be gradual; belly white, white ticking on flanks...


Pearl Pearl NMC Standard For The Pearl Section: AOVs Eye black. A pearl mouse shall be of the palest silver, shading to a whitish undercolour. Each hair shall be delicately tipped with grey or black and carried out top and belly. Certificate 1935: Mrs E D...


Argente Argente NMC Standard For The Argente Section: AOVs Eye pink. An Argente mouse shall be of a delicately blended shade of light fawn and silver, as the self silver, level throughout and the two colours so evenly intermingled as to give the appearance of shot...


Silvered Silver GreySilver Grey NMC Standard For Silvered Mice Section: AOVs Colour Greys: the ground colour should be as black as possible. Eye black Browns: to be a rich golden brown as in the Agouti. Eye black. Fawns: to be a deep bright orange. Eye Pink or black....


Chinchilla Chinchilla NMC Standard For The Chinchilla Section: AOVs Eye black. The mouse shall be as near as possible to the colour of a Chinchilla with slate-blue undercolour and intermediate shade of pearl grey. Hairs to be evenly tipped with black. Colour of feet...

Argente Creme

Argente Creme Argente Creme NMC Standard For The Argente Creme Section: AOVs Eye pink. An Argente Creme mouse shall be a delicate blend of deep cream and silver. The undercolour to be an extremely pale blue. Feet the same colour as body. Belly White. Certificate 1967:...