First of all, congratulations to Stephen Maynard on his BIS at Meldreth with an u8 Broken, the returners had a good day. Meldreth is a nice venue, a pretty village and garden at the back of the hall.
I have been reading Sarah Cudbill’s article. I always struggle to get the paperwork ready for the judge to take home at the end of the show. Sarah mentions that the judging makes her keen for when she next exhibits. I’m sure this is true, as Sarah states, judging and stewarding is the way to learn.
I was pleased to read that Mike Davis has joined the judging panel, also welcome back to Lynette Walker in the NMC.
Finally, I will close on a family matter. Our disabled grandson Wilber, who did the walk for the NHS, caught Covid recently. He was very poorly, the ambulance had to stop on the way to hospital and he was put on a ventilator. Thankfully he is now home and a lot better.