I have decided to hand over the honour of being President of the National Mouse Club in September. I have really enjoyed the position, and the fancier who takes over will I am sure feel the same.
I was pleased to read that Stephan Mönninghoff has joined the judging panel. I also understand he will be moving to Yorkshire.
I have been reading Stephen Maynard’s article in which he mentions various shows of the past, so I decided to look through my prize card album. I found some from Haringey which are quite impressive, also some from Nelson and Egton. I also read that the NMC Annual was held at Whitby, with Gary Booth judging.
I have been speaking to Peter Hogg recently and he will be taking the entries at the Real London show. Also a new one on the show calendar is the July one at Swinford, organised by Sarah Cudbill, so things are looking good.